Seachem Flourish Nitrogen 250ml: Nitrogen is one of the three macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium: NPK) that plants require, and it can frequently be the limiting factor in a healthy system’s growth.
It is a nitrogen supply combined with a high concentration (15,000 mg/L).
This fertilizer contains nitrogen in two forms: nitrate and ammonium, which is preferred by plants.
The ammonium in Flourish NitrogenTM is complex and unavailable until it is used by the plants, no free ammonia is produced.
After urea conversion, ammonium becomes accessible (carbamide). Flourish NitrogenTM also contains nitrate, which plants that can use it readily might benefit from.
Use Flourish PhosphorusTM and Flourish PotassiumTM for the best results.
Shrimp and other invertebrates are not affected.
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