Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹350.00.

Ludwigia Sphaerocarpa The leaves are usually lance-shaped or elliptical, with a green to reddish-purple coloration. Ludwigia sphaerocarpa produces small yellow flowers with four petals that bloom during the summer months. 

Original price was: ₹400.00.Current price is: ₹350.00.

Helanthium tenellum var. 'Broad Leaf' is a great choice for creating lush and visually appealing foreground carpets in aquariums. With proper care and maintenance, it can create a natural and vibrant look in the aquascape, making it a favorite among aquarists who enjoy creating densely planted and well-maintained tanks. 

Original price was: ₹500.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

Echinodorus Aflame: Deep dark red swordplant, suitable for smaller tanks It has a strong colour accent in the midground


Live Terrarium Plants

Echinodorus rubin – AP071

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

Echinodorus rubin: A huge, robust aquatic plant called the Red Rubin Amazon will undoubtedly add decoration to your tropical freshwater fish tank.It is a straightforward tank starter.Its hideous crimson tint will undoubtedly increase the tank's attractiveness. When the plant reaches maturity, its crimson hue intensifies.Planting the red rhubarb amid the background of your fish tank in small groups will provide a beautiful mass of red colour.

Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

Echinodorus argentinensis: This is a large, robust swamp plant native to Brazil's hot interior and eastern regions. The leaves are long stalked and spoon-shaped in the emerging stage. Lance-shaped and newly green, the submerged leaves are. This species has a close relationship with Echinodorus subalatus, which grows emersed leaves that are smaller and lanceolate.


Terrarium / Paludarium

Echinodorus Grandiflorus – AP083

Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

Echinodorus grandiflorus, commonly known as Amazon sword or large-flowered sword plant, is a popular and well-known aquatic plant in the family Alismataceae.


Live Terrarium Plants

Echinodorus Arjuna – AP075

Original price was: ₹475.00.Current price is: ₹200.00.

Echonodorus arjuna adopts beautiful and intense colors around red hues.

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