It is very important to know what keeps a Betta HAPPY and HEALTHY.
These beautiful and intelligent species can live a long life if all the Betta Needs are fulfilled.
Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 19 Litres
Water conditioner: Helps to get rid of chlorine and other harmful heavy metals in tap water.
Heater: Helps to keep the right temperature.(a must for aquariums with more than 3 gallons)
Betta Food: Either freeze-dried or pellets made especially for bettas.
Fish Net (must be flexible and soft) to avoid harming the fish.
Filter with a minimum flow rate.
Aquarium Salt can be added to the water in the tank to prevent illness and make breathing easier.
A biological conditioner can be added for beneficial biological bacteria that “neutralizes” the harmful chemicals in fish waste.
A choice: Live aquatic plants for beginners that can improve water quality.
- Feeding them too much can pollute their water and even kill them.
- Do not wash your gravel or an ornament with soap or detergent.
- Do not add aquarium salts on a regular routine, you will run a risk of killing your fish.
Significant Information
I. How to add a fish to your aquarium? (refer to our blog here)
II. Water Changes
Once a week
What you need are…
- Mini siphon tube
- Water dechlorinator
- Bucket with pour spout
- Water test kit
Once a month
Common Diseases and Treatments For Betta Fish
Symptoms Cottony white growths along the body and/gills.
Reason: Stress, poor water quality.
Treatment : Clean water- reduced bioloads and temperature
Medicines : 1. Ocean Free Gill, Fungus, Parasite’s Special
Symptoms : Extreme body swelling and pineconing of scales.
Reason: Virus, bacterial infection, or parasites.
Medicines : 1. Aquatic Remedies Bactonil – FW
Symptoms : Small white dots on body and fins , rubbing on decor.
Reason: Poor water quality, stress, or contagious companions.
Treatment: Clean water
Medicines : 1. API Super ICK Cure
Fin & Tail Rot
Symptoms :Black/Red tattered and receding fin edges.
Reason: Poor water quality.
Treatment: Clean water and aquarium salt administration.
Medicines : 1. API Melafix
Symptoms: Bulging eyes.
Reason: Prolonged exposure to bad water quality, or Tuberculosis.
Treatment: Clean water
Medicines : 1. API Stress Zyme
Swim Bladder Disease & Disorder
Symptoms: Floating on side, difficulty swimming or regulating depth.
Reason: Genetics, overfeeding, or bacterial infection.
Treatment: Fasting 2-3 days
Medicines : 1. Aquatic Remedies Microlife S2
Symptoms: Goldish-yellow rust-like dusting. Rubbing on decor.
Reason: Stress, cold and poor water quality.
Treatment: Clean water, 76-81 degrees Fahrenheit.
Medicines : 1. Aquarium Salt
Word of advice
5 important tips: Warmth – Diet- Well-placed hiding spots-Cleanliness- Water changes
The best way to begin your fish keeping adventure is with a BETTA.
You can call us anytime and ask for advice on the best ways to ensure that you create a happy and healthy environment for your BETTA.
How many bette fishes put in 10″ Bowl
It is not advised to keep a betta fish in a 10” bowl. You will need a minimum of 15 liters of water. Having said that, 20 or more is ideal.