Saki Hikari Advanced Koi Diet fish food – 2Kg : A customised blend of the finest proteins, carbs, amino acids, and lipids that promotes faster growth and a more attractive appearance.
Pure-cultured Spirulina and higher quantities of Zeaxanthin increase the colour of the Hiban (red regions) while having no negative affect on the Shiroji (white areas).
Has a Hikari Germ, as a probiotic, a one-of-a-kind, good bacterium outnumbers bad bacteria in the intestine, limiting their reproduction and ability to kill your fish.
Furthermore, the Hikari Germ speeds the digestive process, resulting in improved absorption and less waste output. When used on a daily basis, you may expect better water quality and less filter maintenance. As a result of the optimum component balance, expect enhanced shine, fewer mortality, and fat-deposit-free growth.
We recommend Saki-Hikari Color Enhancing as a daily diet for all championship grade koi or koi with championship potential who need some assistance developing their natural beauty and color.
- Daily Diet For Show Koi
- Formulated For Accelerated Growth
- Highly Digestible Medium Pellets
How to feed your pet?
Feed the your fish will completely consume within a few minutes.
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