Mufan Dual Gauge Regulator With Solenoid and Bubble Counter is designed to work with CO₂ diffusers.
It’s an excellent regulator for the novice or experienced planted tank enthusiast looking for a sleek, compact, high-quality regulator.
It is made of Duralumin, outperforms its competitors in terms of durability and accuracy of gas flow control using Chinese parts.
It is designed with simplicity in mind, allowing users to tighten the regulator to the CO₂ cylinder by hand or with Wrenches and includes a bubble counter
Connection: CN Standard G5/8
Pressure Gauge Range 0 to 3000 psi ( Tank pressure )
0 to 150 psi ( Dosing line pressure )
Plug Standard: China 2 pin Plug
Power Supply: 220V / 25mA
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